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Encuentros Especializados

Encuentros Especializados

Este es un listado de encuentros académicos que se ha considerado pertinentes para los integrantes de RISEU. Las propuestas se reciben en riseus@hotmail.com

19-20 Enero

The 2nd Dubai International Conference in Higher Education

Dubai. The aim of this international conference is to provide for all those closely connected with Higher Education, a forum for sharing experience and expertise in creating innovative and successful learning, teaching, research and outreach environments fit for Higher Education in the 21st century.


27-29 Enero 2014

Council for Higher Education Accreditation 2014 Annual Conference

Washington. A national advocate and institutional voice for self-regulation of academic quality through accreditation, CHEA is an association of 3,000 degree-granting colleges and universities and recognizes 60 institutional and programmatic accrediting organizations.


5-7 Febrero

6th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy

Virginia. The 6th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy is focused on higher education teaching excellence and the scholarship of teaching and learning.


10-14 Febrero

9º Congreso Internacional de Educación Superior Universidad 2014

La Habana. El Congreso Universidad es reconocido como un ámbito académico que apunta al diálogo reflexivo, profundo y abierto entre actores de la educación superior y la sociedad en la que se encuentran insertados, en función de evaluar las mejores soluciones a los acuciantes problemas presentes en la realidad de nuestros países.


10-12 Marzo

8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference.

Valencia. INTED 2014 provides the ideal opportunity to present your projects and experiences. It is the perfect platform to discuss the latest developments in the field of Teaching and learning methodologies, educational projects and innovations and new technologies applied to Education and Research.


25-26 Marzo

International Conference on Social Sciences (ICOSS 2014)

Colombo. The International Conference on Social Sciences aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results about all aspects of social studies, and discuss the practical issues encountered and the solutions adopted.


21-23 Abril

VIII Congreso Iberoamericano de Docencia Universitaria y de NS

Rosario, Arg. El Congreso genera una nueva oportunidad para problematizar y construir conocimiento acerca de las situaciones que movilizan actualmente a la docencia del nivel superior en nuestros países.


23-25 Abril

The University-Industry Interaction Conference

Barcelona. The conference is hosted by the University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) in cooperation with the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP).


5-6 Mayo

The OECD Forum 2014

París. Together with current and former heads of state and government, Nobel Prize winners, top CEOs, leaders of key non governmental organisations and trade unions, prominent members of academia and media, ...


19-22 Mayo

Higher Education Institutions Leaders: An Annual International...

Atenas. The purpose of the Symposium is to bring together University and College Leading Administrators at all levels and from all over the world to discuss strategic issues relating to the management and administration of higher education...


15-18 Junio

ICED 2014 Educational Development in a Changing World

Estocolmo. The conference aims to bring together participants for creativity, curiosity and front-of-the-line thinking about the development of teaching and learning in higher education.


17-20 Junio

Epistemologías y Metodologías de la Investigación en Educación

México, D.F. La convocatoria de la Sección Mexicana de la AFIRSE para este Congreso abre un espacio de reflexión en torno a dos referentes constitutivos y articulantes que resultan esenciales para la investigación en educación: la Epistemología y la Metodología para la producción de este conocimiento.


12-15 Julio

STEM Education and Our Planet: Making Connections Across Contexts.

Vancouver. The International Conference of STEM in Education is an opportunity for educators and researchers from schools, universities, colleges, businesses, industries and other private and public agencies to share and discuss their innovative practices and research initiatives that may advance STEM education.


5-7 Agosto

2014 SHEEO Higher Education Policy Conference. Denver

Denver. The Conference attracts 250-300 participants and is planned by SHEEO staff and the SHEEO Peer Collaboration Network Council. It is designed to address the critical higher education policy issues facing the nation from both state and national perspectives.


16-19 Septiembre

26th Annual EAIE Conference

Praga. The 2014 EAIE Conference will discuss the very questions as we take the next steps into a new era of international higher education.


23-24 Octubre

Transforming Institutions: 21st Century Undergraduate STEM...

Indianapolis. The international conference will focus on transforming undergraduate STEM education methodology, presented for academic researchers, education administrators, and national policymakers.


12-14 Noviembre

Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia, Tecnología, Innovación...

Buenos Aires. La Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos convoca al Congreso Iberoamericano de Ciencia, Tecnología, Innovación y Educación, espacio de diálogo académico sobre la incorporación de las TIC en cada una de las facetas educativas.


5-6 Diciembre

2014 Winter Global Public Pilicy Symposium

Los Ángeles. The organizing committee of the global conference on public policy and social sciences invites all government officers, practitioners, researcher, academics, professionals, students and those interested to participate in attending the forthcoming with the theme Emerging Issues in Public Policy and Administration.


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RISEU. Red de Investigadores Sobre Educación Superior.
Sitio diseñado por Alfredo Meneses M.